Wednesday, May 11, 2011

So Long Second-Years!!!

Dear Second-Years

Although I may not be close with all of you, as a group you’ve been really helpful and have left a mark on me.

The first thing I noticed about everyone was that you were all really willing to help out a first year in anyway. You were a great resource! I got so many of my manipulatives from you guys. I got ideas for my classroom from you guys. As my first year ends and I have to start thinking about the next generation of MTC that is about to enter, I have really stopped to think about how I can be a resource to them and what I will tell them when the inevitable question about my first year pops up. And honestly right now I just have been thinking that I need to avoid talking to first years about my first year because I am so pessimistic and negative about everything now. Thus, thinking about how much you helped me after your first year makes me feel really grateful. You had to dig deep to not just share the horror stories!!

But y’all were so much more than a great resource. The mental and emotional support that I got from second years was always perfectly timed and there were certain people that I knew I could always go to. The random gchats and texts really made more of a difference than I think most people ever realized. This is my first time really getting away from home because I went to college about 30min away from where I grew up. Now its at least two plane rides before I get to see any family. We are forced to mingle with each other and be there for each other because most of us are far away from home. That family culture was really cultivated here. A special shout out to my delta second years. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out how boring the delta is and how much it sucks in general. However, you all did a great job of making the most of it. I have had some REALLY good laughs with you all. And you know just the friendly face every once in awhile makes such a difference.

But most of all, I appreciate the second years because you all are living proof that it is possible to make it through these two years. I mean its May and school still sucks. IN FACT, I may even argue that Ben Guest is wrong (what?!) and that its not October nor February that are the worse months but really and truly its May!!! Post the state test has been hell. And things are just spiraling further out of control. However, I know I can make it. And the thought of making it another year after that can be really scary, but hey the second-years can do it, so can I!

So I would like to give all second years a big bear hug thank-you for all that you have done. I wish you luck with whatever you do. I mean after this, you truly can do anything. Don’t limit yourself.



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