Saturday, February 18, 2012

What I like to do in my spare time...

It is all anyone asks me about. I mean for good reasons. Reading even two of my blog posts, one can see that I am very unhappy with my current situation. So naturally the next question is, “Well, where to next?!”

Well I have no idea. Goal #1: LEAVE MISSISSIPPI. Goal #2: Forget about MS and all the bad habitats I have started. Goal #3: Relax because I deserve it damnit! Goal #4: Find a job.

Although finding a job is my last goal, it does not mean that I haven’t been working towards it. The issue is I don’t know what I ideally want to be doing. That hasn’t stopped the search. In fact, it has help to narrow down the answers. Here are some of my thoughts:

- I am truly considering going back to school for counseling. Obviously not this fall. Kids and young adults (hell big adults too!) really just need someone to listen to. So I could join a practice. I could work at a school. But also with a counseling degree I could apply to mentoring jobs such as with Girl Scouts of America. They actually have some really interesting positions available!!
- I like jobs with travel because I can right now in my life ie I have no kids.
- I like jobs that make me think and allow me to use my creativity.
- I like jobs where I can plan events. This could be birthday parties, meetings, camps, etc. It is very appealing to me.
- I would like to work for a teen pregnancy/mom group. I think reducing this number would significantly help out in a lot of other areas. And this is one of the few things I can truly say I feel passionate about other than food, reading, tv, building houses, and sports. Ha.
- I would LOVE to build homes. Better yet, I love Habitat for Humanity. I have applied for several jobs with them and I will continue to do so.

So as you can see, I have narrowed down the field but I still have options. As of right now, I will leave MS in May. Leave for London in June and return in August. From there I will take it day by day and just be happy.

I get goose bumps just thinking about it all ☺

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